
Training Lab 360

Creating virtual environments to promote learning is our passion. We provide expertise in education, simulation, production and VR technology to create fully immersive, effective, and efficient training simulations.

The power of our small team allows us to focus on developing your customized training solution. We only work with one client at a time so you will have our full attention from conception to completion. No idea is too big or small. If you can dream it, we can do it!

Select from our library of training scenarios or let us create a customized virtual reality experience that fits your training needs. We incorporate content experts and evidence-based education tools to maximize the effectiveness of each scenario.

Our Team

Debbie Ezzell

Medical Specialist

Debbie Ezzell is a Master's Prepared RN with extensive experience as a nurse, nurse educator, and simulation consultant. She is responsible for identifying objectives, training our Standardized Patients (SP's) and writing the script for each simulation we create as a team.

Chris Habbershaw

Chief Technology Officer

Lead developer and technology specialist. With years of development and photography experience, Chris brings the creative and technical pieces together for a complete solution.

Rebecca Habbershaw

Education Consultant

As an experienced educator and curriculum expert, Rebecca identifies key techniques that can be utilized in virtual training to optimize learning outcomes. In addition, Rebecca provides coaching and training during implementation of each scenario.